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crack (kræk)
v.i.1. to break without separation of parts; become fissured.
2. to break with a sudden, sharp sound.
3. to make a sudden, sharp sound; snap.
4. (of the voice) to break abruptly and discordantly.
5. to break down, esp. under severe psychological pressure.
6. to decompose by being subjected to heat.
v.t.7. to cause to make a sudden sharp sound.
8. to break without separation of parts.
9. to break into many parts; break open or splinter.
10. to strike forcefully.
11. to recount or tell.
12. to cause to make a cracking sound.
13. to damage or weaken.
14. to make mentally unsound.
15. to make (the voice) harsh or unmanageable.
16. to solve: to crack a murder case.
17. Informal. to break into (a safe, vault, etc.).
18. to subject to the process of cracking, as in the distillation of petroleum.
19. Informal.a. to open and drink (a bottle of wine, liquor, etc.).
b. to open slightly, as a window or door.
c. to open (a book) in order to study or read.
20. crack down, to take severe measures, esp. in enforcing laws or regulations (often fol. by on): to crack down on drug pushers.
21. crack up, Informal.a. to suffer a mental or emotional breakdown.
b. to crash, as in an automobile or airplane.
c. to wreck (an automobile, airplane, or other vehicle).
d. to laugh or to cause to laugh unrestrainedly.
n.22. a break without separation of parts; fissure.
23. a slight opening, as between boards in a floor or wall.
24. a sudden, sharp noise.
25. the snap of or as of a whip.
26. a resounding blow.
27. a witty or cutting remark.
28. a break in the tone of the voice.
29. a chance; try.
30. highly addictive, purified cocaine in the form of pellets prepared for smoking.
31. a shot, as with a rifle.
32. Archaic. a burglar.
adj.33. first-rate; excellent: a crack shot.
adv.34. with a cracking sound.
crack (kræk)
v.i.1. to break without separation of parts; become fissured.
2. to break with a sudden, sharp sound.
3. to make a sudden, sharp sound; snap.
4. (of the voice) to break abruptly and discordantly.
5. to break down, esp. under severe psychological pressure.
6. to decompose by being subjected to heat.
v.t.7. to cause to make a sudden sharp sound.
8. to break without separation of parts.
9. to break into many parts; break open or splinter.
10. to strike forcefully.
11. to recount or tell.
12. to cause to make a cracking sound.
13. to damage or weaken.
14. to make mentally unsound.
15. to make (the voice) harsh or unmanageable.
16. to solve: to crack a murder case.
17. Informal. to break into (a safe, vault, etc.).
18. to subject to the process of cracking, as in the distillation of petroleum.
19. Informal.a. to open and drink (a bottle of wine, liquor, etc.).
b. to open slightly, as a window or door.
c. to open (a book) in order to study or read.
20. crack down, to take severe measures, esp. in enforcing laws or regulations (often fol. by on): to crack down on drug pushers.
21. crack up, Informal.a. to suffer a mental or emotional breakdown.
b. to crash, as in an automobile or airplane.
c. to wreck (an automobile, airplane, or other vehicle).
d. to laugh or to cause to laugh unrestrainedly.
n.22. a break without separation of parts; fissure.
23. a slight opening, as between boards in a floor or wall.
24. a sudden, sharp noise.
25. the snap of or as of a whip.
26. a resounding blow.
27. a witty or cutting remark.
28. a break in the tone of the voice.
29. a chance; try.
30. highly addictive, purified cocaine in the form of pellets prepared for smoking.
31. a shot, as with a rifle.
32. Archaic. a burglar.
adj.33. first-rate; excellent: a crack shot.
adv.34. with a cracking sound.